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When we use this term we mean reducing our energy consumption. One way to reduce this consumption when it comes to lighting is to opt for more efficient solutions such as LED lights. Click and find out how much you can save with LED in different locations:
Lighting in the home accounts for about 11% of electricity consumption. If we take the case of a typical flat with 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and a bathroom we would have:
Conventional consumption
LED consumption
Total Savings
19,64€ / month
Variable data, depending on your contracted tariff and the time at which the query is made. In this case, calculated at 0.30€/kWh.
As we can see, we reduce lighting energy consumption by 2,182W. This represents a saving of 84% compared to less efficient luminaires. At the current price of €0.30 per kWh this means paying €19,64 less per month.
The savings achieved in this office would be close to €22 per month, almost 60% (current price of €0.30 per kWh), which underlines the importance of upgrading lighting systems.
Good lighting is key in an office because you are constantly working with documents or in front of the computer. We will use as an example an office with a workspace with eight workstations, a small meeting room, an office and a bathroom.
Conventional consumption
LED consumption
Total Savings
22, 00€ / month
Variable data, depending on your contracted tariff and the time at which the query is made. In this case, calculated at 0.30€/kWh.
In each restaurant, the type and quantity of lights installed can vary according to the style and atmosphere that you want to create. Take for example a restaurant with 20 tables and direct lighting on the tables.
Conventional consumption
LED consumption
Total Savings
162,56€ / month
Variable data, depending on your contracted tariff and the time at which the query is made. In this case, calculated at 0.30€/kWh.
The high efficiency of LEDs compared to conventional technologies allows us to save almost 80%, around €162,56 per month (current price of €0.30 per kWh), on lighting consumption.
In this case, with the changeover to LED, the reduction in electricity consumption for lighting is over 50%, which, taking into account the hours of daily use, can mean a significant saving of over €129,24 per month (current price of 0.30€ per kWh).
In industrial spaces where light is on for many hours a day, efficient lighting is a necessity. Let's look at the impact of switching to LED in a hall lit with HPS (high pressure sodium vapour) industrial hoods and some fluorescent tubes to supplement the lighting.
Conventional consumption
LED consumption
Total Savings
129,24€ / month
Variable data, depending on your contracted tariff and the time at which the query is made. In this case, calculated at 0.30€/kWh.
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